We have been creating shared happiness for authentic, positive impact experiences in Europe’s most beautiful destinations.
As a European player in local tourism, we are committed to helping everyone rediscover the essential in a preserved environment. Our business, which is close to the regions, involves relationships of trust with all our stakeholders.
This section is dedicated to the Group’s investor relations and shareholders and presents key figures, share price information, publications, financing operations and financial calendar.
Pierre et Vacances share (VAC)
Share price
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The Pierre et Vacances share price and the SBF 120 index are 15 minutes delayed and are automatically updated during the trading day from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, (Paris time). Note that we are not responsible for any typing or transmission errors. Source: SYMEX ECONOMICS
on 30 September 2024
Updated on 2 November 2024
Emmanuel Parot: emmanuel.parot@gilbertdupont.fr
Hela Zarrouk: hela.zarrouk@oddo-bhf.com
Ebrahim Homani: ebrahim.homani@cic.fr
Robin Leclerc: rleclerc@idmidcaps.com
Arnaud Despre: arnaud.despre@bnpparibas.com
Florian Cariou: fcariou@midcapp.com
The above list presents the analysts who, to our knowledge, monitor the financial situation of the Pierre & Vacances-Center Parcs Group.
This list is given for information purposes only, it is updated regularly and is not intended to be exhaustive, correct or representative. It does not imply any position or value judgment on the ratings of these analysts.
There are several types of shares that can be owned: bearer, fully registered shares or administered registered shares.
Your shares are registered with the financial intermediary of your choice. You can therefore group all of the shares in your portfolio together in the same account.
You are not identified by the Company which can nevertheless obtain the list of its bearer shareholders at a given time, by requesting an identifiable bearer security analysis from Euroclear France. You do not systematically receive the file convening the Annual General Meeting, which can be requested from your intermediary.
Your shares are registered and deposited in the account of the Securities Division of the financial broker mandated by Pierre et Vacances to ensure its fully registered share service: UPTEVIA 90–110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex France Hotline: 08 00 00 75 35 International Hotline: +33 (0)1 49 37 82 36
You are identified by the Company and are notified of Annual General Meetings.
You benefit from free custody fees.
Your shares are registered as for fully-registered shares but they are deposited at the intermediary of your choice.
You benefit from the same advantages as for fully-registered shares exception that custody fees are not free.