General meeting and Bylaws

Taking part in the Annual General Meeting

The Pierre et Vacances General Meeting is held within six months of the end of the financial year, the company’s shareholders are convened to a general meeting. This meeting is an opportunity to present the Group’s activities and results and to approve the annual accounts.

Each shareholder may participate in the meeting regardless of the number of shares held. The right to participate (and to vote by post or to be represented at the meeting) is subject to the registration of the shares in the name of the shareholder on the second business day preceding the meeting.

Each shareholder may participate in the meeting in person or by being represented by another shareholder, his or her spouse or the partner with whom he or she has concluded a civil solidarity pact.

  • Registered shareholders shall receive a notice of meeting brochure at their home address at least 15 days before the date of the general meeting. This brochure is accompanied by a voting form and contains all the necessary documents.
  • Bearer shareholders must contact the financial institution with which their shares are deposited to obtain the information and documents necessary for their participation and voting. They must ask their financial intermediary to issue a certificate of participation which is sent to UPTEVIA, Services aux Emetteurs Assemblées Générales, 90–110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex (France Hotline: 08 00 00 75 35 – International Hotline: +33 (0)1 49 37 82 36).


Each shareholder (unless physically present or represented at the meeting) may vote by mail or by giving proxy to the Chairman using the dedicated voting form.

  • The shareholder holding pure registered or administered shares can also vote on the Internet by accessing the secure Votaccess® platform via the Uptevia Investors website (ex. Planetshares), itself accessible via the following address
  • For bearer shareholders, Votaccess® can be accessed directly from the usual website of their securities account, provided that their financial intermediary has signed up for Votaccess®.


The “e-vote” is a dematerialised service that is part of the corporate social responsibility approach in which the Company is heavily involved.

General meeting 2024

Previous General meetings

Pierre et Vacances SA’s by-laws


A limited company (French SA) with capital of € 4,619,612,46
Divided into 461,961,246 shares of € 0.01
Head office: L’Artois – Espace Pont de Flandre – 11 rue de Cambrai – 75947 PARIS Cedex 19
316 580 869 R.C.S. PARIS