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Isabelle Lyobard

Director of Operations at Pierre & Vacances


My career with the PVCPTeam

I held the position of Site Manager, then Area Manager for around 20 years, where I was responsible for one, then two, three, and up to six sites, depending on the area I was working in! Since April 2022, I’ve been Operations Director for the Mediterranean, the Landes, the Basque Country and the franchises.


Key day-to-day skills in my job

First and foremost, I’d say managerial skills, because a director can only function with a committed team that will implement the actions needed to achieve the objectives we’ve set ourselves. In practical terms, we can’t do anything without our teams. So it’s very important to support your teams by being close to them and on the ground. I think these are really the 2 most important points for me. Pierre & Vacances’ strength is a real team spirit.

And then of course there are all the opportunities for career development. I’m proof of that: over the years, you can move up and develop in different positions within the Group.


My greatest source of pride is…

I’m proud of having helped my employees develop. I’m very happy today to see that people I had in my teams a few years ago now have positions of responsibility within the Group, and that’s something I’m proud of, yes.


To me, “getting back to basics” means… ?

Sharing! With family and friends, but also in my professional life with the teams, our owners and our holidaymakers.


More success stories…

“We are developing a programme in our villages called Happy Family Makers, which aims to further improve service quality by training our staff. I spend a lot of time on it, it’s important.”

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“Then I was asked to be an ambassador for the Group Foundation. I’d always wanted to be involved with an association, and now it was possible to do so in a corporate context.”

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“I’m totally committed to my work, but I have the freedom to disconnect completely, and I can do so because I work with my teams and management in a framework of trust.”

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“It’s a real vote of confidence and it’s also very rewarding to be approached internally for a job you’d never thought of.”

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“I have a great deal of freedom and autonomy to develop and manage the countries for which I’m responsible. […] What I like here is the team spirit. If you need support, you can count on your colleagues.”

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“Although maeva is growing fast, we still operate like a small organisation: everyone knows everyone else, we work in close proximity and flexibly”

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“When I started here as a receptionist, I saw how the hotel worked at every level. […] The work of each and every one of us makes this site a success.”

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“Bringing joy is what our job is all about. But what we do for these struggling families is very powerful.”

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“Today, Mission Handicap is very active and very present in the company and thanks to it I feel protected, supported.”

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